Sometimes even the small tips will bring in big rewards, so never under-estimate any tips that someone tells you. Many of these tips relate to fishing in small rivers and streams, simply because that's the kind of fishing I enjoy.
For new anglers, you need to learn some basic things that will allow you to start fishing. During the spring, rivers, streams, and ponds can become muddy, but they normally don't stay that way for long. Once you find a small river or stream that contains rainbows, the equipment that you need to catch them is fairly simple.
Id be willing to go up against any pro on my lake or river with nothing more than a bucket full of shiners and a few sharp hooks, let him throw all his fancy lures around and Im sure id come out ahead. Most of my free time was spent on lakes and streams here in the northwest, and I have picked up on some interesting facts about fishing for these species over the years. Spending time on the water when a certain type of frontal system has just passed through your fishing area, can make a big difference in fish activity.
The drive and subsequent walk to and from the fishing area is always a great time to catch up with friends. Fresh fish is a food you can feel good about feeding to your family.
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